About Our Hot Mommy’s


Indulge in your undying obsession with sexy MILFs, fire-cracker matures and young hot mommys everywhere with a membership to MILF Trip! Inside, we have a growing collection of the net’s hottest moms in full videos that just can’t be seen anywhere else except here.


Being fresh and fit in our early 20’s and hitting the dating scene, we quickly learned that girls our age are missing something that is very much important. Experience and eagerness. Younger girls just don’t have to try, it’s a fact and they know it. It’s either lack of experience, not knowing what they want or just plain prissiness getting in the way of unleashing everything in carnal fashion. Like fucking a doormat, sometimes. Porn was getting the same. We wanted something special. We wanted to see for ourselves if we could spring-up all those boyhood fantasies and see if the saying is true: Women are better with age and they want that younger cock just as bad as we want to get rocked in the sack!

Putting our peckers to the test, we started fucking all the hot mommies that we could. And let me tell you, everything they say is fucking true! They’re better at everything with age, especially fucking! Then, it suddenly dawned on us – Why not film ourselves on these adventures of nailing all those hot mommys and put it online? After some research, planning, getting ideas of whom we wanted to fuck and what equipment was needed… the idea was born: Launch MILF TRIP! And man, has it been a blasting success!

But what’s different about our site? What’s better about our site VS all the other MILF sites? It’s simple, we’re fucking and filming MILFs that we actually WANT to fuck. Real hot mommys – nothing less. Not washouts that are “available” for a shoot on a modelling site or some other agency. We find the hottest moms out and about in the streets, at resorts, at conventions and even hand-pick models that WE like in porn. Real moms. Real sex appeal. Only the hottest and most-naughty! We’re picky, so you only get the best! We are not the fastest-growing mommy site in the world for nothing.


  • Fresh & Exclusive Updates – You will not see these scenes anywhere else.
  • Full-video Downloads & Streaming. 360p, 480p, 720p and 1080p formats. Enjoy these hot mommys anywhere!
  • Crystal-clear Photos /w Zip Downloads of only the hottest MILFs online.
  • Rating system, comments, favorites


Not just amateurs. As you have most likely noticed already, MILF Trip is chock full of real life hot mommys of the porn star variety. How do we get so lucky? It’s simple really – Social Media and pure luck of the draw! Sometimes it pays to know where these hot moms go to unwind on vacation  – and then appeal to their MILFish-needs! Also doesn’t hurt being so fucking handsome, too 🙂


Android, iPhone, iTouch, iPad compatible. If your device has an internet connection and a modern web browser, you’ll get the full user experience. We developed this site from the ground up, on the latest and greatest technologies. Mobile/Tablet 1st, we strived to make the site as awesome and eye-popping as possible, but also to make it super-easy for you to find all of our hot mommys hardcore videos and photos. What this means to you is that you are guaranteed to not miss any action and everything is fully compatible for your viewing pleasure.


We strive to keep privacy and security of our members a top priority. Using industry-leading 3rd-party billing services with bleeding-edge encryption technology, we do not store any of your personal or billing information on our servers. What this means for you is that you can feel assured that your personal info is safe and that your transactions and membership are discrete. For more information about our privacy policy, please visit our Privacy Policy page.

© 2024 - MILF Trip - Globe Twatters ™ - All Rights Reserved.
This website and its contents are for entertainment purposes only.
All models were 18 and over at the time of the creation of such depictions.